Friday, September 26, 2008

A Reminder...

You might be wondering what sets MiniHostels apart from the other traveling networks online.

MiniHostels is dedicated to bringing the best hostels in South America to all travelers. The kinds of places you want to make your home - the ones you REALLY want to stay in.

Some hostel networks will feature any hostel that wants to be on the site, but with MiniHostels our locations and hostels are hand picked to only include the best for our members.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have been using my minihostels card all over the south of argentina and it has saved me soooo much time and money! I bought it at the second hostel i was staying at, and I am so excited to travel up chile to peru and ecuador and use it the whole way!

check out to make your life as easy as mine has been